Ch1 DSM agenda 2

The second category: Distressed people as mentally ill.

In the second category psychiatrists have classified, as mentally ill, people who are being distressed on an ongoing basis. Some are more seriously distressed than others, as for instance anxiety and depression are less severe conditions than those labelled as schizophrenia and bipolar. And the distress may be either over a short term such as several months or years, or over a long term, for decades and commonly a lifetime. The distressed person is unsuspecting of the cheats but they do have some suspicion of problems in their life regarding others around them. They know the chief offenders well but they don’t know them as offenders nor that they are networked with many others. They only know them as close relatives, friends and work associates etc., so they are unable to comprehend the true nature of their problems. All this is not unknown to psychiatrists. Some psychiatrists on the net have said that the classification of emotional conditions and distress as mental illness is done for the sake of profits mainly from drug sales. As it appears profits is a purpose but profits from mental illnesses is not the big picture. When we investigate the matter further it becomes apparent that psychiatry is more about selling an idea that there is such a thing as mental disease. This means certain symptoms are classified as belong to a class that stands opposite to physical disease. This involves the whole of medicine. At present the idea of physical disease is sold as “a fault or malfunction in the machine” and a focus on risk factors, which they insist are physical in nature. Hence things such as toxins in the environment and thus in the food that a person eats, microbes, genes, “lifestyle choices” such as not doing enough or any exercise are consider. Where no physical cause can be identified the disease is labelled mental. When we look at the big picture we find there is no separation between what is being called physical disease and what is called mental. Even in the case of infectious diseases the emotional state of the individual and not simply the invasion of pathogens is important and I would say primary. In all diseases emotions are involved and they are the most logical causative factors. Why? Because emotions are physiological processes! Problems arise in the body when emotions “go wrong” or bring into being other associated physiological conditions that become problematic. Emotions and other associated conditions in the body are changes from normal body function. These changes become disruptive either over time or with high intensity and it is this disruption that leads to disease. We need to look to the source, what issues are involved that give rise to the emotional reactivity.

 Emotions are responses or reactions to ideas that are upheld with confidence. And such reactions are not because of “fictitious inner conflicts”, where they suppose one part of the personality is in conflict with another. In looking for such issues we are looking at real, current issues that involve other people.  And while those issues are indicated by ideas, a person’s reactions are wholly physiological. Conflict comes about because two or more people are in serious disagreement, and this may be apparent but if one or both are toxic then the disagreement may not be apparent or even known to the other. Toxic people work underhandedly and in association with other toxic people. A toxic mob is used to resolve disagreements by underhanded means. They create serious issues for the targeted person and then use this situation to manipulate them. These issues are current and real but are not apparent because they are done behind the person’s back. The victim senses the issues to some extent but they lack enough information to fully appreciate what they are up against. The issues are not imaginary as psychiatrists proclaim.

 To understand the conflicts and how others are involved, we need to examine a person’s life experiences. Some aspects of experience are “external” meaning they involve the physical environment. Others aspects are “internal” meaning they involve the interpersonal environment. The interpersonal environment involves the mind and the mind is a common, non-physical aspect of reality. Thus the whole of a person’s experience has both physical and interpersonal/ mental aspects. It is this that psychiatry, medicine in general and indeed science as a whole denies. They insist that only the physical aspects are valid and are the only reality. They dismiss the non-physical as fantasy and thus not real. However they are straining to continue to support this view. Science has developed some major cracks in its founding columns, which means within physics. Some of the science needs rethinking at least. At worse the current theories need to be thrown out and replaced with new ones. The nature of the mind needs honest examination and that at present is not being done. Ideas can be communicated such that another person is able to perceive them insightfully, i.e., through direct mental means but only by people who are related and most spectacularly when they are very closely related. This is a part of the field of psi, which is being researched by some scientists, however only feeble efforts are made. The research is done under punishing conditions, which conceal the truth. And little wonder when you realize that the trillions of dollars made from diseases are at stake. Thus on the one hand the medical industry and other related science areas provide petty funding for psi research projects. On the other hand psychiatrists are heavily funded to deny the very existence of psi. Psychiatrists call psi and ESP in particular as “magical thinking” and declare it a symptom of madness. A person citing their “gut feelings” (ESP) as evidence of something is treated as delusional or even paranoid! It can be shown in honest experimentation by humane people that ESP is real. It requires relationship to show it in its most dramatic form. When relationship is removed from the experimental procedure by the use of double blinding only the most trivial form of ESP is seen.

 Once we appreciate the perception of ideas that are presented by a related person and under certain circumstance, we can devise experiment to show, unquestionably, that a person can be distressed partly by using direct means (i.e., within the physical environment by physical means) and partly by indirect means (i.e., in the interpersonal environment by thoughts and ideas). I have described the basic cheats in the first book that show basically how this is done. What becomes apparent in the study of cheats is that a person’s distress may be apparent to an independent third party but the ways in which they are being distressed is not apparent. It is this reality that psychiatrists exploit to create the categories of distress and sell them to the public as mental disorders. And they go on to assert, owing to their classification of defects and damage of the brain that distress is just another fault in the machine.


 Throwing away ESP the ideas, which are perceived by a person being maltreated, become senseless. As a result the ideas or thoughts are treated as being “just in your head”, imaginary and of no consequence. This means the real issues become hidden and the bodily reactivity cannot be explained. It enables doctors to feasibly talk about risk factors as the possible causes of disease. The risk factors lead nowhere so the person cannot resolve their problems. The disease can therefore develop and be exploited for profit. To overcome this situation and gain control of your health it is important to understand how the related emotional reactivity contributes to the development of disease and how to prevent it. For example episodic angering of an unsuspecting person may lead to diabetes whereas continuous angering creates different conditions in the body. Anger can be used to create problems in the circulatory system that with the use of certain types of cheats lead to heart disease and then again using particular cheats can create very serious or fatal heart attacks. By contrast anger can be used to make a person more aggressive fight a perceived internal enemy creating extraordinary immune responses. Such responses lead to the formation of cell mass, which doctors call cancer. The angering of the individual is most commonly not done by direct means. Issues are created and used to give ideas of being violated a foundation and seeming reality. Thus ideas pointing at the issues can repeatedly be used but only with adverse effects when the victim is unsuspecting of the foul play. Knowing the cheats makes all the difference, even if the person becomes angry. It is of vital importance that we trash the psychiatric babble and move to understand how and why a person is being distressed and what that distress means in the body. Distressed people and their suffering offer us enormous insights in an understanding of physical disease and how to overcome it in most cases without resorting to physical means.. without the need of doctors!

 Psychiatric opinion AND social fallout1Distressed people’s problems strongly point to the fact that ideas and bodily reactivity are directly related. How a person reacts to ideas or is able to discharge them dictates what happens in the body. Ideas affect the whole spectrum of life. Some ideas may bring about detrimental changes in the body and adversely affect the body’s normal functions. Other ideas may bring about beneficial changes in the body and promote proper function. However ideas of themselves do nothing. For a person to react to an idea they must be convinced that the idea is relevant and significant to them or their loved ones. Only then will a person react and react emotionally, which means the reaction is in the body.

 We need to appreciate that there is a continuum from normal life reactions to distress to disease. Furthermore the road back from disease to health is also a continuum but it never leads back to exactly the same place. Under normal conditions, when emotions are short lived, the physiological processes do not create huge changes in the body. The signs that arise in this case are difficult to decipher because they are well within the normal range. When emotions are intense and/or somewhat enduring the changes are greater and can produce signs that may at time be detected such as rapid heart beat and sweating. However even here the physiological process may give rise to changed conditions outside the normal physiological range only for a short time. All medical tests are really only a snapshot in time. As a result there are no laboratory tests, such as blood tests, brain scans, X-rays etc., to verify a distinct physical state that can be pointed to as disease. For tests to show up some abnormality the relevant bodily condition needs to have become continuous so that the changes, which are normally dynamic have reached a static state. This occurs when emotions endure for a long time at a reasonably high intensity or are intense and episodic, continually reoccurring within relative short intervals of time. Under these conditions a variety of physiological processes in the body become continuous and serious enough to upset the body’s equilibrium (homeostasis). The body’s functions and /or substances (including structures such as cells) alter so as to lie outside the normal range. These then can be seen as signs that show up in medical tests and are indicative of disease.

 Distressed people who are diagnosed as being mentally ill do have physical symptoms, some transient and others more enduring. Psychiatrists know that if they don’t treat these symptoms along side the supposed “mental disorder” the patient does not show any improvement. And yet they treat these symptoms as coincidental. Distressed people also develop a variety of diseases at a much higher rate than the rate seen in the population in general and these too are treated as extraneous. For instance if a person with schizophrenia develops diabetes or alcohol addiction the psychiatrists do not associate them. They simply say “the schizophrenic has also got an alcohol addiction (another mental disorder) or diabetes (a physical disease as well). So not only is the distress, which is mainly emotional reactivity divorced from the body but so too is distress divorced from the physical disease. The continuum is denied. And where the physical disease is seen first and the distress becomes obvious here too the two are seen as separate entities or that the physical condition gave rise to distress. For instance a late state cancer may voice concerns that others around them want to do them harm. Such people are treated as paranoid and as “having developed a psychosis” and that this is the result of having cancer. In fact the late stage cancer patient has only come to recognize what was true all along and to what they had reacted as to develop cancer at the outset. A person who has suffered a heart attack may have anxiety or display irritability. Here too the anxiety and/or irritability are treated as consequences and not as part of the underlying causes. The continuum is not considered thus the physical aspects are treated in isolation. Doctors treat symptoms. They do not treat the underlying causes of disease nor are they looking to treat the person in a holistic manner. And this is deliberate because the money is made in treating symptoms and letting the disease continue on so that management becomes the practical option, indeed the only option.

 Psychiatrists also use downright, outright scare tactics to stop people from seriously considering their ideas and conducting their own investigations. And there is evidence here in that most people are afraid of psychiatric assessments and diagnosis and this is not surprising when we consider that such diagnoses are unfounded. They do not conduct any scientific testing at all. It is all speculation and often the diagnosis either suits the psychiatrist, some other interested party such as employers, and most especially ones in the public service, or both. Corruption and self-serving purposes have been true of psychiatry right from the start and still are today, and I would say worse today than in the past. Historically we find that psychiatry overlapped the Burning Times, when people were burnt at the stake for being a witch or accused of being a witch or a shaman.

clergy and monarchs burn witches

The persecution of witches was a political exercise. It was an attempt to covert the Pagan population of Renaissance Europe (and not Medieval Europe as most people believe) to Christianity forcibly, under pain of death and not for their spiritual salvation as was claimed. And they were not conducted simply by the Catholic Church. Not only were Protestant Churches involved but other interested parties as well. The scientific spirit that defines our cultures today, most particularly in the West, developed and took shape as the European shamans and witches were eradicated and the ideology of the Old Religions was eradicated mostly by belittling it and by saying it can’t be tested. Even till today the scientist’s attitude is that if you can’t see it and measure it, then it is not real.

 Doctors were also involved in the anti-Pagan attitudes and for their own reasons. Midwives were burnt along with witches or as witches at a time when doctors wanted to enter the area of obstetrics, but even more generally in the field of medicine. We only need to look at the nature of the work of witches to understand that witches were their major economic competitors. A witch had two primary roles. One is to conduct religious ceremonies and rituals and this other is as a healer. All of traditional medicine, which included herbs, healing formulas of ideas and various objects (akin to placebo equivalents), for the treatment of disease, was done by witches and shamans. What’s more the witches had been established and trusted for thousands of years. The doctors saw the traditional healers as an obstacle standing in the way of establishing themselves as the authorities in the field of medicine. Little wonder then that during the Burning Times and more particularly when they ended (in 1684 in England), the psychiatrists declared witches as mad women and committed them into hospitals such as BethlehemHospital in London.

 psychiatrists commit the witchesAnd most possibly witches constituted the bulk if not all of the psychiatric patients. These “patients” were kept in the most appalling conditions. And they were put on display as the hospital was open to the public for a small fee, which the hospital staff claimed they needed for funding. And it needs to be appreciated that the witches were declared insane by psychiatrists not because they were insane but because they were witches. Being a witch was a sign of madness was the claim and that they needed to be locked away as it was further claimed that they were a danger to the public. After all they were being burnt at the stake as evil and a major danger to the population. The psychiatrists only followed on from this view. It also needs to be appreciated that the psychiatrists had their own and the medical establishment’s interests at heart for making the diagnosis of insanity if a person is a witch.

 The witches however were not insane. They were savagely stressed in the hospitals as to become seriously distressed. They were then put on public display. People visited psychiatric hospitals in the same way as they would visit the circus or a carnival side show to see the freaks. Members of the public saw women who appeared crazed and seemingly insane. Were they insane? You have only to read the recommendation of the Philippe Pinel, who become chief of a mental hospital in Paris in 1791 after the French Revolution. He set about reforms ordering that patients should no longer be chained to posts. He forbade patients being punished and restricted the isolation of patients in single rooms to brief periods only. The conditions, under which a person committed into a mental hospital was subjected, were ruthlessly cruel for people who were supposed to be patients. Anyone subjected to such conditions would have become crazed, even in a jail. Seeing witches as crazed women in psychiatric hospitals caused people to be afraid and to lose the trust that they had had in their traditional healers. And having lost their traditional healers they turned to the doctors instead. The reality is that the witches were political prisoners. That explains why they were kept in the most appalling conditions; they were prisoners of an undeclared war and jailed by psychiatrists for the “greater good”. And that greater good may have been sold to the public as their good, but it was the greater good of the medical establishment as far as doctors were concerned and other scientists as well, who wanted the public minds and hearts turned their way.

Though conditions had improved, cruel methods and treatment of psychiatric patients continued into the twentieth century. However even modern day improvements are really only window dressing. While drugs that numb the patients are used instead of the old methods, the old thinking and attitudes are still evident today. Psychiatrists use, as a diagnostic measure of what they deem to be serious mental illness, the same ideas as they did in the past. A Westerner, who believes in a pagan theology, is considered mad. If you are an African living in the African continent and you believe in Voodoo for instance you are sane but if you are a Westerner and you believe in Voodoo you are insane. Same deal, different odds! To cover themselves they say the cultural setting makes a difference. What has happened is that doctors and scientists in general have denigrated the ideological foundation of the Old Religions of Europe. Shamanic practices for instance are held up as acts of lunacy. They say that they examine them on science programs on television but they do not give them any honest investigation. On the contrary they are ridiculed. The medical establishment has also destroyed the very idea of traditional medicine and healing methods. Even other alternative medicines are belittled. People have been caused to believe that anything other than Western Medicine is not valid. Most Westerners would not consider going to a shaman for medical treatment, not because they know anything about it but because “it’s not scientifically based”. What people don’t appreciate is that they have been brought to accept the idea of treating the disease and more specifically the symptoms and not the person, which is the way of the shamans.

To treat the person one has to consider the non-physical reality. Doctors and scientists in general do not recognize the non-physical in their considerations of the nature of mind and thus the interpersonal environment. And in addition no physician will even recognize the mental aspect, the ideas as part of what causes disease. If a patient has troubling ideas they refer them to a psychiatrist who trashes the ideas. The problem is also one of perception. We tend to think in terms of concepts but we cannot conceptualise the non-material and cannot therefore understand how a non-dimensional, timeless reality can underpin a physical reality, which has both dimensions and time. This is the core of the mind body problem and the lynchpin of health and disease.. all disease and not simply mental illness. It appears that the Ancient Chinese had at least realized this problem and made effort to provide some solution with the idea of Qi. Psychiatrists do not even mention, let alone tackle the mind-body problem. Indeed they have no theory of mind at all. Even those that have offered up a mind theory have only offered a mechanical physical theory of brain function and nothing more. The reduction of the mind to physical is done by using their own classification of “damage and imperfections are a mental disorder”. They give themselves the “logical” next step to deduce that the mind is just brain electro-chemical processes so disorders must be all about wrong wiring and chemical imbalances etc. This means that they need to explain away the ideas and the inner conflicts. The ideas maybe attributed to some past event(s) and the conflict to waring parts of the personalty. Or, they dismiss ideas altogether as delusional at worse or imaginary at best. The aim is for neither the ideas nor the conflict to be properly addressed so that the person cannot get well. If the patient can’t get well then their disease symptoms are treated with drugs and/or medical procedures. Many diseases are managed over a very long term and often for the lifetime of the patient.

By contrast the practice of shamanism treats the ideas as primary. Whether the practitioner offers the patient herbal medicine or not, the shaman always address the mental aspect, the troublesome ideas and that includes what they call “antagonistic or bad spirits”. These are not some airy, fairy otherworldly entities running amuck in some imaginary existence, as some want to depict them. The “bad spirits” are just the mindset of real people, people who are evil in most cases. And the interaction between the patient and the warring parties is in the interpersonal environment and not only in the physical environment. In Western medicine this is never addressed. The emphasis is on the physical and that is why many diseases are only managed and not cured. In the more recent times many people have become disenchanted by doctors and their methods and many have turned to alternative medicine. Some have even ventured to rediscover the old methods. I have modified and tailored old shamanic methods and found them more appropriate means to deal with disease. The old methods don’t treat the disease symptoms. Rather they help the person overcome the disease condition in their body by considering the ideas in mind and the conflicts in the interpersonal environment. I now use mental prescriptions exclusively and can report that they are highly effective and totally safe. I have not been to a doctor for any medical treatment for more than 20 years. I agree that in today’s world it is of little help going to a traditional healer because the trust is no longer there. But it is not necessary because a person well equipped with information about the sorts of cheats that are played and who understands why they react as to develop disease in their body is in the best position to avoid disease altogether. And you don’t need to have any medical degree or any more than a junior high school education or equivalent.

All distressed people, whether suffering a neurosis to psychosis on the one hand or of what is named physical diseases on the other, are all perplexed by ideas and aware to one extent or another of “inner conflicts”. In the case of physical disease the person is more focused on the physical symptoms and less able to appreciate the connection of those symptoms with the ideas and conflicts. By labelling the mind and consciousness as physical and made by the brain or due to brain activity, psychiatrist can go on to infer conditions that are completely made up and have no science whatever. For instance they infer that the “controller aspects in a mad person’s brain ain’t working” so that the mad person “doesn’t knowing what they’re about” and that as a result they may even “become a possible danger to the public”. All of these, even without the past history, create aversion in people’s minds, both at the personal level and at the social level. Everyone wants to feel that at the most basic level they have control over themselves and their lives. And everyone is threatened by the idea of someone being out of control and running amuck in society. An “out-of-control” person is shunned by society. No one wants to be in these situations. So the threat of being named “an out-of-control person” is a very powerful, though only implied way of making people conform. What ‘conform’ means for doctors and the medical industry amounts to “you don’t treat the ideas that arise in mind and any conflicts you might feel as real. And you don’t associate them with the physical symptoms you experience”. To consider doing so you are named mad. And that is openly stated simply as:

“consider ideas as ‘just ideas’ and inner conflicts as ‘just what you’re feeling’. If you feel angry with anyone else who hasn’t done anything apparent then you’re just projecting”.

Of course you are expected to control what you think and feel and make the ideas that are troublesome go away. And if you can’t do that then you need “professional help”, which means drugs and/or surgery. To consider ideas as significant is to be irrational and delusional. And anyone claiming others are acting against them, for whom they cannot show clear physical evidence, is deemed a danger to the public. The result of this is not only to frighten people into submission but is a sure way of protecting the aggressors. The aggressors, who use clandestine physical means and the interpersonal environment to present hateful ideas, are covered by doctors, for after all they are to doctors as the water and the soil are to the farmers. It means the victims are left without solutions other than the medical ones. The person being maltreated becomes too afraid to associate the ideas in mind with their physical symptoms. I have seen this in many cases. For example I suggested to one woman, who complained of sudden palpitations and sweating, that it might be anxiety. I further told her that if she could discover the cause she could get rid of the problem. She wouldn’t have to take the medications she had and that she complained about having to take. With the very word ‘anxiety’ the woman panicked. “Oh no, no” she cried, “this is a physical problem, I’m not crazy”. She turned away instantly and would not discuss the matter any further. On another occasion I had listened to a man complain about asthma and how it limited his life. I told him to take note of any ideas that occurred to him at or just before such times, if he could sense an asthma attack going to happen, and try to discover what and who might be behind his problem. He too reacted and very much like the woman with the anxiety symptoms. He did not want to consider the matter at all. He also insisted and stressed that he was suffering from a physical problem. I can cite many, many other similar situation where people had the same sort of reactions and to a wide variety of problems. The majority of people did not want to consider, not even in conversation, that ideas and other people, with whom they are related, might be involved in their medical problems. Furthermore they accepted the premise, without question, that they had a physical disease and not that they were distressed enough to manifest physical symptoms.

What is implied, but not said openly, is that if you have a physical disease you do not lose your credibility but if you have a mental disease then you are no longer credible because that person is invalidated by the psychiatrist. Furthermore they may even be “locked away” and the images of people locked up in asylum in the popular culture are not even as bad as have been in real life, so people are scared. As a result most people either treat the ideas as trivial and of no real consequence or won’t admit to having the ideas at all, not even to themselves. And they try to take responsibility for what they perceive as “inner conflicts” without any understanding and with medical misinformation or they ignore them at their peril. As far as doctors are concerned the person’s medical problems must be allowed to develop until disease manifests and then they treat the symptoms by “the proven methods”, to make lots of money. It ensures that the doctor is in the driver’s seat for all of a person’s medical needs because it ensures they end up with medical needs. It is sheer treachery.

 By understanding how ideas and conflicts are involved in anxiety, depression, psychosis and manias etc., we can see the very tip of the iceberg. Only then can we go on to understand the underlying causes of autoimmune diseases, heart diseases, strokes, diabetes and cancer to name the most common ones. So taking the distress person’s problems seriously and understanding what they are about, help us overcome and even avoid physical diseases. Ideas are really packets of information that point to “inner conflicts”, which means in the mind. The inner world is not ours alone. It includes our interpersonal environment and that means there is some common area with others, people, people with whom we are mentally entangled or in other words with whom we are related. These are people who, despite appearances, have utter disregard for others. They are two faced and they exploit others around, inside and outside of family. Psychiatrists label these people as having “personality disorders”. They are the third category, which I will discuss in the next section.

Kyrani Eade, April 30th 2013

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